Oh, Kleinbottwar
For those who haven't yet heard the news - I just began a new job at Berlitz. Same company, different tasks. My title has changed from "freelance teacher" to "Sales Trainee", which is basically like an intensive internship that molds young career beginners into future leaders.
As of January, the plan is to move me to the new school in Heilbronn. Fabi is also studying and working in Heilbronn these days, so we're considering moving to a town a little closer that way. That would mean saying goodbye to our little hometown here.
It's a bittersweet idea. The plus side would be independence, a shorter commute, and the chance to break out and start living life on our own! The downside is that we'd leave a beautiful place, be father away from family (though not that far) and probably have to pay more rent.
Today we went for a walk and talked about some of these things, and enjoyed the foliage and warm weather! Here are a few photos.

These were taken at the lake in Kleinbottwar, which is pretty hidden unless you know it exists. It's up towards the forest, hidden between trees and vineyards. We found a bench and watched the birds for while. If we move, I'm going to need a place with just as much natural beauty as here!
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