The beginning of November has been out of the ordinary; we've had beautiful weather and sunshine! Of course we are suspicious that each sunny day will be our last, and we're trying to enjoy each moment. Soon the cold, dark days (literally only 7.6 hours of daylight) will take over.
Yesterday we met a colleague of mine and went to the "Blooming Baroque" palace in Ludwigsburg for the annual
Pumpkin Festival. Artists compete to create the most unique pumpkin sculptures there. you can view Germany's and Europe's largest pumpkins, sample pumpkin champagne, buy seeds and peruse the entire gardens + the kids fairytale section for one price. (Since Fabi is a student again, he was charged the Kinder price.)
The palace, plus pumpkins. |
Not the largest, but pretty darn big. |
Jousting pumpkin knights on their pumpkin horses, fighting for the favor of a beautiful pumpkin maiden. |
We bought a few beers and walked around chatting, observing the families. We went near the end of the exhibit, so the carved pumpkins were beginning to mold, but we could still see what they were going for.
A special tent where children can dive head-first into hay and throw it at each other. |
Royal pumpkin crown in the gardens. |
Yep, that's a pumpkin Elvis. |
We weren't sure where all the pumpkins come from, so I did some research. It turns out that 80% come from the Eisenmann farm just outside of Marbach. The rest are from the Stuttgart region, so this is truly a local, unique event. They display every known variety of pumpkin each year, and you can also take home recipes, e.g. pumpkin soup.
It's a great place for families (but also for twenty-somethings) on a sunny Saturday afternoon!
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