"Erlaubt" to Drive in Europe

After six months of arguing with the Landratsamt, three weeks of studying, and answering 1,352 possible questions in preparation, I FINALLY PASSED the German written driver's test on Wednesday! The test was in a run-down basement with metal frame stacking chairs lined against the walls, where everyone could wait nervously and look over their study guides one last time. Aside from the harder questions, it was remarkably similar to taking the driver's test in the U.S. You show your ID, turn your phone off, sit down at a table separated from your neighbors', etc. What was different, was that I took the test on a touchscreen tablet. Seconds after I finished my test, my results were automatically printed out to the instructor at the front of the room. He signed and stamped it, said "congratulations," and I was on my way. I treated myself to a cappuccino at the nearest McDonald's (classy, I know) afterward my test and texted o...