Adventures in an 8th-Grade English Book
The girl I tutor in English came for her lesson the other day and said, "we're learning about America in class now. My homework is to read a story about a real American high school!" Sounds amusing, yeah? We open her book and... the entire chapter is about Hermann, Missouri. At some point, some text book author either visited the town or discovered it in his research, and now there's photos of Main Street, farmers, tourists, Octoberfest, and the festival hall. I couldn't believe my eyes! I said to Fabienne (the name of the girl I tutor), "I've been there , and there , and I danced the polka in there . I used to play [and lose] volleyball games at the Catholic gradeschool in Hermann when I was your age." "Lots of people live on farms outside town." Vital information. Obviously this made the homework more interesting for both of us, and I felt like a real expert on all things Midwestern/Missourian. Fabienne sai...