So Why'd YOU move to Germany?
My German professor from Webster recently wrote me and said, "Laura, it's so nice to see you living your dream in Germany!" Other loved ones have had similar sentiments since August, but it's funny - the longer I'm here, the more I think life is just life. You go to work like a normal person, you buy groceries like a normal person. Once you get used to the culture, things aren't a magical fairytale (which anyone who grew up on Disney movies imagines when they think of Europe, the Land of Princesses). Being a foreigner tends to attract other foreigners, which is a comfort and an advantage. If you find someone from the States, you automatically have things in common, like 1) you both moved to a new culture either for the boyfriend/girlfriend or for the adventure of it, 2) you've both been burned by German honesty when you were just trying to be polite, 3) you both know how ridiculous it is trying to get anything done at the foreigner's office, etc. Eve...