Grappling With Grammar & Ticket Prices

Training for my new job starts on Tuesday. I've bought my "4er Tickets" for the bus/train to and from Stuttgart during the eight days of training. I signed myself up for the yearly public transit plan - I pay for 10 months and get to ride unlimited, day or night, for 12 months. It's a pretty good deal compared to the price of single tickets. Still - and I almost hate admitting this - I am going to be spending €144 per month (the equivalent of $183) on these suckers. Talk about an arm and a leg! To all you students out there - ENJOY YOUR DISCOUNTS while they last! In preparation for training, I received a short booklet with materials about grammar, teaching styles, and the history of the company. In one section, I was asked to explain the minute differences in meaning between sentences like "Have you seen him?" and "Did you see him?". Digging back into my brain archives, I discovered that Mrs. Marquart's voice and image are still there in ...