Easter with Götz
After a long hiatus, Fabian and I are back to adventuring! To quickly recap why the blog has been dormant since last September: In October we moved to a new apartment. By the time we were settled, it was Thanksgiving, and then Christmas, and then came my birthday. Fabi began spending every Saturday at work writing his Master's thesis. Shortly thereafter I applied and was chosen for a position at the Hochschule Heilbronn, where Fabi studies. I thoroughly proofread over 60 pages of Fabi's thesis and then began my new job on March 1st. My bosses are two of Fabian's professors, and, in a whimsical twist, Fabian ended up turning in his thesis on the 4th of March... to me! (My boss picked it up a few days later from my office.) Since that day, I have been enjoying having my husband back on Saturdays. The first one we spent lazily lounging on our big sofa, the next we spent on a spring cleaning blitz, and this weekend we spent on a surprise getaway that Fabi had planned as ...