Fasching 2015

January and February have been tough. Trying to navigate my new job at the new school while prepping for our open house & learning to consult customers has admittedly been a lot to handle. Luckily I had Altweiberfasching ("old women Mardi Gras") to look forward to last Thursday! Simliar to Mardi Gras, Fasching springs from the Catholic tradition of partying hard before the 40 days of fasting before Easter. Different ways of celebrating have sprung up all over the world, the most famous versions internationally are those of Rio, New Orleans and in Venice. Everywhere you find this celebration, there are some similarities; parades and costumes are always involved! Here in the Swabian-Allemanian region, of course, the festival has its own flavor. There are various clubs here that prepare year-round just for Fasching. They dress up in ridiculous costumes and play big band music, or they dress in drag and perform embarassing choreography, or they dress...