The Next Stage of Life? Weddings and Babies

We are officially in our twenties - the first marriages and babies are happening! This weekend our friend Miri got married. (For those of you who know Dan Neubert - that was his host sister during our exchange year.) Fabi and the Kleinbottwar folks have known her since kindergarten. We drove to and from the festivities together in our "Kleinbottwar Party Bus." The wedding took place in the Martin's Church in Großbottwar. The couple chose a mix of English and German songs, and the sermon was about two plants in the same pot, growing together and drawing nutrients from the same fertile soil. The "plants" were warned not to trim each other too much with harsh words, but instead to grow towards each other and upwards toward heaven. Afterwards we drove to Güglingen (try pronouncing that , Americans) for the reception. The "fest hall" was an old-fashioned building big enough for the 140 guests, complete with medieval shutters and flowers in every w...